@Avangardia I have mixed skin (oily t-zone, normal cheeks).I've been using the product for a long time now and it's actually helped me quite a bit, although I still don't like the greasy feel of this peeling.Have a nice day :)
Od ovog proizvoda meni je lice bilo crveno i jako me je peklo. Nemojte kupovati, ja sam uzela jer sam mislila da je dobar ali ni malo nije.
Proizvod jeste uljane kompozicije, ko nije navikao, moze da smeta. Ja ga koristim uvece, posle tonika, natapkam tuferom i ostavim 10-15min da upije. Uzela sam ga zbog prosirenih pora i sitnih mitisera na nosu i bradi. Da li radi? Pa nisam sigurna, ali cu ga iskoristiti do kraja, pa cemo videti.
(*) Ingredients are displayed in alphabetical order and some have been deliberately hidden (*******), to get the exact composition, please use our applications.
I'm disappointed. The compostion of the product is great, but the product has a very oily consistency and doesn't want to soak in. Even the results are nothing extra. I'm so sorry, the peeling looked great, but the reality is different.