The Ordinary

Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%

By F., 24/07/2023
Origin of the photo: New Zealand
Rating INCI Beauty
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w. - 28/03/2020

When I first used it I was absolutely shocked, my skin started to produce much less oil. I finished the bottle, didn't use it for a few months and then decided to repeat. And when I used it second time, I didn't notice any difference, so I guess it did what it could and stopped :) However, I didn't notice my skin producing a lot of sebum back, so I guess it helped. I don't have pimples, so I can't tell anything about it.

s. - 09/08/2020

Est il bien pour les pores très dilatées ?

B. - 17/08/2020

Mon premier produit de cette marque ! J'ai vu une grosse différence dès les premières applications. Ayant une peau grasse tendance acnéique et points noirs ça m'a grandement aider. Mes pores ont été resserrés petit à petit aussi.
Je ne le met pas en période de canicule car j'ai eu quelques inconforts mais à par ça je l'ai adopté

B. - 19/08/2020

@Marie.ldr Coucou ! J'en met 2 gouttes max et c'est amplement suffisant. Et non je n'ai eu aucun problème même quand je l'ai repris après plusieurs jours d'arrêt. Ma crème hydratante est de cette marque là aussi donc ma peau grasse n'a pas trop souffert ou plus regraisser que ça pendant l'arrêt de ce produit.

s. - 02/09/2020

Bonjour, j’aimerai savoir au bout de combien de temps voyons nous la différence Niveau acné/pores dilatés? (J’ai une peau grasse-acneïque)

s. - 03/09/2020

@khadija_.b merci beaucoup!!!

s. - 03/09/2020

@saar21 merciii !!!!

b. - 12/10/2020

Bonjour tout le monde , pour ce produit si je l’utilise en day routine sa sera avant ou après l’écran solaire?!?

b. - 12/10/2020

@xSpencer merci beaucoup!!!

b. - 12/10/2020

@saar21 c’est ça que je dois faire normalement vu que notre ville est trop polluée

b. - 12/10/2020

@saar21 pour l’acide hyaluronic je peux l’utiliser avec la crème hydratante Cetaphil genre après ??

b. - 12/10/2020

@saar21 et pour le retinol 1% je l’utilise quand ?

p. - 07/11/2020

Hello, how do we know that, this is suitable for our skin type?? I’m using since 1 month, I have slightly feel dry around the nose area. Maybe it’s better avoid using around the nose area?? And does this one helps to get out the blackheads in the face?? I noted that 2 blackheads came out and dry by itself, after using this product. And is it also recommended to apply around the neck or no use? Because, obviously no pimples in the neck..

c. - 19/02/2021

Bonjour, jai une peau à tendance grasse sur la zone T, des boutons sur le menton et sur les joues et des points noirs sur le nez, auriez-vous un produit à me conseiller, si possible sous forme de sérum ? Merci d'avance ^^

말. - 18/09/2021

Bonjour je veux vraiment acheter ce sérum mais j'ai peur car beaucoup de gens disent que 10% est trop et it fait des boutons après. J'ai une peau mixte à grasse et j'avais des boutons (pas quelque chose de grave) mais maintenant le problème que j'ai est les points blancs (Whiteheads) je les trouve surtout où j'avais des boutons. J'espère que vous pouvez m'aider est-ce que ce produit est bon pour moi ? Et est ce que je peux l'utiliser avec la crème de la Roche-Posay TOLERIANE car je l'aime beaucoup ?

말. - 18/09/2021

@randymelba merci je vais l'acheter tout de suite 😁

C. - 18/10/2021

I have mature, dry skin with clogged and dilated pores around my nose. This serum works wonders on these....I use this daily in the morning and on the nose only, as it is too drying on the other parts of my face.

The results are great though, and within a few weeks of use already! Pores are smaller and less blackheads! Works great in combintion with The Ordinary Moisturizing Factors + HA.

S. - 21/01/2022

I think my skin wouldn't be able to tolerate 10% of niacinamide. How could I dilute this serum, what should I use?

type of skin: mixed. I never had an acne problem, I had and still have pimples come out, although my chin has the little ones all the time and I have a couple of blemishes at some parts of my face due to my stupid younger self not knowing how to properly extract the pimples and a brownish mark stayed.
I think that maybe Balea niacinamide serum would suit me better but they are currently sold out at most places here, but I think I could find that one in a couple of days if the ordinary isn't my endgame option. Tbh I got hella scared of all the failed attempts and purging people have posted on the internet.

C. - 21/01/2022

Hey Sandra, I'm not a dermatologist or anything, but if you apply this serum on damp skin you need very, very little of it. 3 drops or so. If you follow up with a gently moisturizer I think you should be fine. This stuff is very affordable so you might as well give it a try......

If not look out for a moisturizer with niacinamide in it. Laroche Posay and CeraVe have some in their portfolio.

Good luck!

S. - 21/01/2022

@Claus020 thank you so so much🙏 I'm on a tight budget so I appreciate every piece of advice!

C. - 21/01/2022

@Sandra250 I'm also on a tight budget, so I understand your concerns! If money is tight, have a look at the CeraVe moisturizer for the face with niacinamide and hyaluronic acid. I haven't tried it personally, but it looks good from an ingredients point of view. It has ceramides, niacinamide and hyaluronic acid and is quite affordable!

S. - 21/01/2022

@Claus020 I bought Balea MED ultrasensitive cleanser and it's great, but I wanted something nourishing in the serum type of product. Is there any other serum that you'd recommend? not necessarily niacinamide or any other active ingredient one
Calendula Dr. C. Tuna cream helped me with everything that happened on my face so I guess I'd give calendula as an ingredient hint that my skin likes.

C. - 21/01/2022

@Sandra250 hmmmmm, not sure I can help! I personally love squalane to nourish my skin. It really helps with drynes and can easily be applied under a simple moisturizer to give it a little boost! It feels like an oil yet it's non-comedogenic and super, super gentle. And cheap 😉

S. - 21/01/2022

@Claus020 I'll give it a look, I'm not sure I saw anything with it here in my drugstores but maybe I wasn't paying attention. Thank you!!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏

C. - 21/01/2022

@Sandra250 The Ordinary offers 100% plant derived squalane. Good luck!

S. - 16/02/2022

maybe there was an error in applying it? or you were applying it with some products that weren't compatible
can you describe your routine?

h. - 27/02/2022

after one week of using I have no acne.

c. - 17/03/2022

Is it good for dry/normal skin ?

C. - 17/03/2022

For me, personally, I find this serum slightly drying. I use squalane after to counter this drying effect and I see great results. My pores are smaller/cleaner and my skintone is more even....

I have mature, dry skin.

C. - 20/04/2022

@wafaeFAD thank you for this suggestion, I do use this serum on damp skin. Mixing is a few drops of squalane makes a huge difference already. So do you use the Lipikar balm on your face? I was wondering if this would be a good idea for me, I have never tried this product. It has niacinamide if I'm not mistaken, maybe then I could drop the serum altogether?

C. - 20/04/2022

@wafaeFAD thank you so much for this feedback! The Lipikar sounds great, I will try it on my face. It doesn't leave your skin greasy in the humid heat? I live in a seasonal climate; summer and winter are mostly humid, but spring and fall can get super dry and my skin gets very tight. Hyaluronic acid and glycerin are no option as they drain out the skin in the dry air....

C. - 21/04/2022

@wafaeFAD thanks again! Doctorely is great, I watch them sometimes. I also like Cassandra Bankson, though she can get a bit intense 😛 It's great that these people put content out so we can make informed decisions rather than go by the claims of the brands.

C. - 21/04/2022

@normal75 😆 they are a bit hard to follow, even for English speakers, so do not worry. I enjoy Cassandra's theatrical side a lot. She gets very passionate, which I love.

C. - 27/05/2022

@wafaeFAD so I finally got to try the Lipikar! It's absolutely wonderful, though it did break me out on the t-zone so I stopped using it on my face.....sadly, because the ingredients are very good and the cream feels nice. I'll try again in winter when my skin needs something a bit more rich.

On the body it is excellent! Very nice on hands and neck as well. And for the price..... Thank you again for the tip!

m. - 29/11/2022

Bonjour, puis-je le coupler à la solution d’acide ascorbique ethylé 15%, le soir, puis appliquer le 100% squalane dérivé de plantes ?

Est-il bien ou pas d’utiliser le Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1% et la solution d’acide ascorbique ethylé 15% après le peeling AHA 30% ?

J’ai beaucoup de marques d’acné, ainsi que quelques petits boutons. (J’ai 25 ans)

Merci par avance 😊😊

p. - 04/03/2023

The only thing I've noticed that it does is that it helps pimples heal faster. Other than that, it might take more than 3 weeks to see results, I use very little when applying but I am almost at the end of my first bottle.

s. - 28/03/2023

It’s a bit too harsh for my sensitive skin..

V. - 06/01/2024

Is it good for your skin???

i. - 27/01/2024

Il m'a fait développer beaucoup de boutons sur le front et les joues après une semaine d'utilisation, dois-je l'arrêter ou que dois-je faire ?

a. - 21/02/2024

Can I use the azelaic acid from the ordinary first, and then the niacinamide serum and lastly the cicaplast cream?? I have a lot of purple brown scars and my face is red due to irritation.

b. - 17/01/2025

Did you know how to manage that?

h. - 11/10/2024

The best

S. - 2 days ago

Can you please help how to find out the concentration of the regulated ingreadients in the Ordinary Niacinamide 10% product? It is not published by the manufacturer. Thanks!

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