

CAS number: 7681-49-4
"Low penalty" in all categories.
  • Origin(s): Synthetic, Mineral
  • Other languages: Fluorek sodu, Fluoreto de sódio, Fluorid sodný, Fluorura de sodiu, Fluorure de sodium, Fluoruro de sodio, Fluoruro di sodio, Natrijev fluorid, Natriumfluorid, Natriumfluoride, Nátrium-fluorid, Sodyum florür, Натриев флуорид, Натријум флуорид, נתרן פלואוריד, فلوريد الصوديوم, フッ化ナトリウム, 불화나트륨
  • EINECS/ELINCS number: 231-667-8
  • Classification: Regulated
  • Organic-compatible (COSMOS Reference)
Namely Sodium fluoride is an inorganic type fluorine salt used in oral hygiene products for the prevention of cavities. In this range, it is also the most used ingredient in toothpastes and mouthwashes.

The fluoride concentration should not exceed 1500 ppm (F) in a "cosmetic" toothpaste. However, this dose can be bypassed if the product is a medicine and is subject to a Marketing Authorization (MA), in which case it can only be purchased in pharmacies.
Restriction in Europe: III/31
The maximum concentration of sodium fluoride allowed in cosmetics is:
0.15% (in F) or 1500 ppm (F). In case of mixing with other fluorinated compounds authorized by this Annex, the maximum concentration of F remains fixed at 0,15%.

Required statement on package: Contains: Sodium fluoride

Unless it is indicated on the labeling that they are contraindicated for children (for example, by a standard term "for adults only"), toothpastes with a fluoride concentration between 0.1 and 0 15% must bear the following information:
"Children 6 years of age and under: use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste under adult supervision to minimize ingestion. In case of fluoride intake from other sources, consult a dentist or a doctor »
Its functions (INCI)
  • Antiplaque : Helps prevent plaque formation
  • Oral care/hygiene agent : Provides cosmetic effects to the oral cavity (cleaning, deodorization and protection)
This ingredient is present in 1.11% of cosmetics.
Mouthwash (67.26%)
Adult toothpaste (63.19%)
Children toothpaste (60.34%)

Products that contains it

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