Other languages: Methylparaben sodný, Metilparaben de sodiu, Metilparabene sodico, Metilparabeno de sodio, Metilparabeno de sódio, Metyloparaben sodu, Metylparabén sodný, Méthylparabène de sodium, Natrijev metilparaben, Natriummethylparabeen, Natriummethylparaben, Nátrium-metilparabén, Sodyum Metilparaben, Натриев метилпарабен, Натријум метилпарабен, נתרן מתילפרבן, ميثيل بارابين الصوديوم, メチルパラベンナトリウム, 나트륨 메틸파라벤
EINECS/ELINCS number: 225-714-1
Classification:Paraben, Regulated, Preservative
Restriction in Europe:
V/12 The maximum concentration allowed in ready-to-use cosmetic preparations is:
- 0.4% (as acid) for an ester
- 0.8% (in acid) for ester mixtures
Its functions (INCI)
Preservative : Inhibits the development of microorganisms in cosmetic products.