Other languages: Cocoyl glutamate de sodium, Cocoyl glutamát sodný, Glutamat de cocoil de sodiu, Glutamato de cocoil de sódio, Glutamato de cocoilo de sodio, Glutaminian kokoilu sodu, Natrijev kokoil glutamat, Natriumcocoylglutamaat, Natriumcocoylglutamat, Nátrium-kokoil-glutamát, Sodio Cocoyl Glutammato, Sodyum Cocoyl Glutamat, Натриев кокоил глутамат, Натријум кокоил глутамат, נתרן קוקויל גלוטמט, جلوتامات كوكويل الصوديوم, ココイルグルタミン酸ナトリウム, 코코일글루타민산나트륨
EINECS/ELINCS number: 269-087-2
Classification:Anionic surfactant
Organic-compatible (COSMOS Reference)
Sodium Cocoyl Glutamate is made from coconut oil fatty acids and an amino acid, glutamate (present in the structural protein (collagen) of human skin). It is a rather mild anionic surfactant, used in organic formulas.
Its functions (INCI)
Cleansing : Helps to keep a clean surface
Surfactant : Reduces the surface tension of cosmetics and contributes to the even distribution of the product when it is used