

"Medium penalty" in all categories.
  • Origin(s): Vegetal, Synthetic
  • Other languages: Lauroil Metil Isetionat de sodiu, Lauroil metil isetionato de sodio, Lauroilmetil isetionato de sódio, Lauroyl methyl isethionát sodný, Lauroyl metyloizetionian sodu, Lauroyl méthyl iséthionate de sodium, Lauroylmetylizotionát sodný, Natrijev lauroil metil izetionat, Natriumlauroylmethylisethionaat, Natriumlauroylmethylisethionat, Nátrium-lauroil-metil-izetionát, Sodio Lauroil Metil Isethionato, Sodyum Lauroyl Metil İzetionat, Натриев лауроил метил изетионат, Натријум лауроил метил изетионат, נתרן לאורויל מתיל איזתיוניט, إيزيثيونات ميثيل لورويل الصوديوم, ラウロイルメチルイセチオン酸ナトリウム, 라우로일 메틸 이세티오네이트 나트륨
  • EINECS/ELINCS number: -
  • Classification: Ethoxylated compound, Anionic surfactant
Namely Sodium Lauroyl Methyl Isethionate or SLMI is a mild anionic surfactant derived from coconut, which contains no sulphate. Unlike SCI (Sodium Cocoyl Isethionate), which allows for the creation of opaque products, SLMI has excellent water solubility and therefore allows for the creation of sulfate-free, transparent shampoo formulations. It is often used in conjunction with CAPB.
SLMI is produced by ethoxylation, which makes it an environmentally unfriendly ingredient. It is prohibited in the COSMOS specifications.
Its functions (INCI)
  • Cleansing : Helps to keep a clean surface
  • Surfactant : Reduces the surface tension of cosmetics and contributes to the even distribution of the product when it is used
This ingredient is present in 0.41% of cosmetics.
Shampoo colored / mixed hair (5.59%)
Classic shampoo (3.93%)
Face cleansing gel (1.78%)
Shower gel (1.21%)

Products that contains it

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