

CAS number: 1310-73-2
"No penalty" in the following categories :
Shaving soap, Solid soap, Baby solid soap, Solid shampoo
"Low penalty" in all other categories.
  • Origin(s): Synthetic
  • Other languages: Hidroxid de sodiu, Hidróxido de sodio, Hidróxido de sódio, Hydroxid sodný, Idrossido di sodio, Natrijev hidroksid, Natriumhydroxid, Natriumhydroxide, Nátrium-hidroxid, Sodyum hidroksit, Soude Caustique (Hydroxyde de Sodium), Wodorotlenek sodu, Натриев хидроксид, Натријум хидроксид, נתרן הידרוקסיד, هيدروكسيد الصوديوم, 水酸化ナトリウム, 수산화나트륨
  • EINECS/ELINCS number: 215-185-5
  • Food additive: E524
  • Classification: Regulated
  • Organic-compatible (COSMOS Reference)
Namely Caustic soda is used in the preparation of many products (detergents, explosives ...). It is used to make sodium salts and to neutralize acids. In cosmetics, it allows the manufacture of solid soaps. Caustic soda is allowed in organic, it does not pose problems in the conditions of regulation.
Restriction in Europe: III/15a
The maximum amount of sodium hydroxide to be used in cosmetics is limited as follows:
a) Solvent nail cuticles: 5%.

b) Hair straightening products: 2% for general use and 4.5% for professional use.

c) pH regulator for depilatories: pH <12.7.

d) Other uses as pH regulator: pH <11.

Wording of conditions of employment and warnings:
a) Contains an alkaline agent
Avoid contact with the eyes
Danger of blindness
Keep out of reach of children

(b) In general use:
- Contains an alkaline agent
- Avoid contact with the eyes
- Danger of blindness
- Keep out of reach of children
b) In professional use:
- Reserved for professionals
- Avoid contact with the eyes
- Danger of blindness

c) Keep out of reach of children
Avoid contact with the eyes
Its functions (INCI)
  • pH regulator : Stabilises the pH of cosmetics
  • Denaturant : Makes cosmetics unpleasant. Mainly added to cosmetics containing ethyl alcohol
This ingredient is present in 16.67% of cosmetics.
Anti-dandruff shampoo (63.7%)
Anti-aging box (58.49%)
Baby cleansing milk (57.66%)
Care set for women (56.39%)
Scrubbing shower gel (53.76%)

Products that contains it

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