Other languages: Ekstrakt lavande, Ekstrakt z lawendy, Estratto di lavanda, Extract de lavandă, Extracto de lavanda, Extrait de lavande, Extrato de lavanda, Lavanta özütü, Lavendel extract, Lavendelextrakt, Levandulový extrakt, Levanduľový extrakt, Levendula kivonat, Екстракт лаванде, Екстракт от лавандула, תמצית לבנדר, مستخلص اللافندر, ラベンダーエキス, 라벤더 추출물
EINECS/ELINCS number: 289-995-2
Classification:Allergen, Regulated
Organic-compatible (COSMOS Reference)
Restriction in Europe:
III/360 The presence of the substance or substances must be indicated by “Lavandula Oil/Extract” in the list of ingredients referred to in Article 19(1), point g), when the concentration of the substance or substances is higher:
- at 0.001% in leave-on products,
- 0.01% in rinse-off products.
Its functions (INCI)
Skin conditioning : Maintains skin in good condition