Other languages: Ekstrakt kore cimeta, Ekstrakt z kory cynamonu, Estratto di corteccia di cannella, Extract de scoarță, Extracto de corteza de canela, Extrait d'écorce de Cannelier de Chine, Extrakt aus Zimtrinde, Extrakt ze skořicové kůry, Extrakt zo škoricovej kôry, Extrato de casca de canela, Fahéj kéreg kivonat, Kaneelschors extract, Tarçın kabuğu özütü, Екстракт коре цимета, Екстракт от кора на канела, תמצית קליפת קינמון, مستخلص لحاء القرفة, シナモン樹皮エキス, 계피나무껍질 추출물
EINECS/ELINCS number: 284-635-0
Organic-compatible (COSMOS Reference)
Its functions (INCI)
Hair conditioning : Leaves hair easy to comb, soft, soft and shiny and / or confers volume, lightness and shine
Masking : Reduces or inhibits the odor or basic taste of the product
Oral care/hygiene agent : Provides cosmetic effects to the oral cavity (cleaning, deodorization and protection)