

CAS number: 97404-02-9 - Orange hair dye
"Low penalty" in all categories.
  • Other languages: Colorant capillaire orange, Narancssárga hajfesték, Narančasta boja za kosu, Orange Haarfarbe, Oranje haarverf, Oranžová barva na vlasy, Oranžová farba na vlasy, Pomarańczowa farba do włosów, Tinta per capelli arancione, Tinte para el cabello de color naranja, Tintura de cabelo laranja, Turuncu saç boyası, Vopsea de par portocalie, Наранџаста боја за косу, Оранжева боя за коса, צבע שיער כתום, صبغة الشعر باللون البرتقالي, オレンジ色のヘアカラー, 오렌지색 헤어 다이
  • INCI name: BASIC ORANGE 31
  • EINECS/ELINCS number: 306-764-4
  • Classification: Regulated, Hair dye
Restriction in Europe: III/276
The maximum allowable limits and concentrations are dependent on the use of the ingredient in:
(a) Oxidation dye for hair coloring: After mixing under oxidation conditions, the maximum hair content shall not exceed 0,5%.
b) Non-oxidizing dye for hair coloring: 1.0%.

Wording of conditions of employment and warnings:
(a) Must appear on the labeling: the mixing ratio.
"Hair dyes can cause severe allergic reactions.
Read and follow the instructions.
This product is not intended for use on people under sixteen.
Temporary black tattoos based on henna may increase the risk of allergy.
Do not color your hair if:
- you have a rash on your face or if your scalp is sensitive, irritated or damaged,
- you have already made a reaction after having colored your hair,
- you did in the past a reaction to a temporary black tattoo with henna. "
Its functions (INCI)
  • Hair dyeing : Colors the hair
This ingredient is present in 0.03% of cosmetics.
Hair colouring (0.82%)

Products that contains it

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