

CAS number: 9038-95-3 / 9065-63-8
"Medium penalty" in all categories.
  • Origin(s): Synthetic
  • Other languages: Ppg-26-butét-26, Ppg-26-butéth-26, Ppg-26-бутет-26, Ppg-26-ブテス-26, Ппг-26-бутетх-26, بي بي جي-26-بيوتيث-26, 피피지-26-부테스-26
  • INCI name: PPG-26-BUTETH-26
  • Classification: PEG / PPG, Ethoxylated compound, Glycol, Propoxylated compound, Synthetic polymer
Its functions (INCI)
  • Hair conditioning : Leaves hair easy to comb, soft, soft and shiny and / or confers volume, lightness and shine
  • Skin conditioning : Maintains skin in good condition
This ingredient is present in 0.89% of cosmetics.
Makeup fixative (18.29%)
Scented mist for women (9.35%)
Face lotion and toner (6.07%)
Micellar water (5.1%)
Self-tanner (4.79%)

Products that contains it

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